Type the name of the instrumental you are looking for in the search bar. If you are looking for a new instrumental, you can narrow down your search results by typing the "Type Beat" or tag that you would like (For example: "Lil Durk", "Lil Baby", "Spotemgottem", etc.)
Lease Explanation
- MP3 File
- LIMITED to 100,000 streams
- LIMITED to 10,000 distribution copies
- WAV (Higher Quality) and MP3 file
- LIMITED to 200,000 streams
- LIMITED to 20,000 distribution copies
- Track Stems (full customization of the beat)
- WAV (Higher Quality) and MP3 file
- LIMITED to 300,000 streams
- LIMITED to 30,000 distribution copies
Unlimited Pro
- Track Stems (Full customatzation of the beat)
- WAV file (Higher Quality)
- UNLIMITED streams
- UNLIMITED distribution copies
- UNLIMITED radio stations, performances, music videos, and broadcasting rights